Cross-Country Skiing

Cross-Country Skiing

Make the most of the snow and head out on the village’s numerous cross-country skiing trails.
Trout Fishing

Trout Fishing

Our three lakes are ideal for trout fishing. The luckiest of you can even fish for your dinner. But don’t fear, if you don’t hook a catch, you’ll still find something delicious to eat at our restaurant.
Nighttime Chic-Choc Experience

Nighttime Chic-Choc Experience

Animal watching in the dead of night is an incredible opportunity. Head out with our guides on ATVs or in an SUV to observe regional animals at night. Coyotes, bears, moose… You’ll see (and hear) it all!
Moose Watching

Moose Watching

Admire the kings of the Canadian forest in their natural habitat. Our experienced guides know where to find the moose so that you can see them up close. Day or night, moose watching is a typically local activity that you won’t be forgetting any time soon.
Bear Hunting

Bear Hunting

Village Grande Nature Chic-Chocs has something up its sleeve that hunters will love: bear hunting. Set your aim and book now for next season!

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